Asian Art of Self-Defense
The art of self-defense is no laughing matter. It should be taken seriously, especially for those women who are afraid to walk alone at night. Here is a quick lesson. With these instructions and a little dedication those women should be safe.
If a man suddenly comes at you...
Duck first.
Kick his vital spot!
Then elbow his back while he's hunched!
Then a blow to his face!
Now that he's down, lift your leg...
Finish with the last combo...Stab with the heel!

If your primary goal is muscle and strength gain, opting for a low-carbohydrate diet may hinder your progress since carbohydrates are the body’s preferred source of fuel, and are what is used to restore muscle glycogen after a particularly intense session.
Since not all carbohydrates are created equally, it’s important that you learn to recognize which carbs are going to offer you the most nutritional content and minimize spikes in blood sugar levels that can cause a sharp energy crash shortly afterward.
Here are the main supergrains to consider.
Bulgur is a supergrain that has been precooked, making it a very quick option for when you’re in a hurry. Typically, it takes about 10 minutes of boiling to cook this supergrain so it’s ready to eat. Many individuals will choose to replace rice with bulgur in recipes to boost the total nutritional content.
Per cup of cooked bulgur, you’re looking at 151 calories, less than one gram of fat, 34 grams of carbohydrates (none of those from sugar), and 5.6 grams of protein, making it an extremely healthy addition to a muscle-building or fat-loss diet. Bulgur also contains 8.2 grams of dietary fiber, which really helps to meet your daily nutritional needs.
This grain has a light and fluffy texture, and gives off a mild nutty flavor. Quinoa is often eaten for breakfast instead of traditional oatmeal. Others choose to make quinoa into a lunch or dinner meal by adding an assortment of vegetables, nuts, spices, or sauces.
The process of cooking quinoa is similar to that of brown rice: bring water to a boil first, and then allow the supergrain to simmer for 14 to 16 minutes.
Those individuals who are adopting a lower-carbohydrate diet or who are looking to boost their intake of healthy fats will want to turn to flax. Flax is a very rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and polyunsaturated fat. In addition to this, flax is also a rich source of both soluble and insoluble fiber -- it helps to keep your digestive system regulated and provides a feeling of fullness. Finally, flax is a source of lignans, which have been shown to help reduce a variety of cancers in the body.
Each ounce of flax contains approximately 130 calories, 9.5 grams of fat, 9.5 grams of carbs (7.6 of which are fiber), and 5.7 grams of protein. This makes flax a very healthy addition to your shake in the morning if you’re looking for a simple way to boost your calorie intake to build muscle.
Finally, the last supergrain to think about adding to your diet is millet. Millet is a very good grain option for those who are intolerant to gluten as it is gluten-free and rich in many B vitamins. It’s also a good source of folic acid, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, and zinc.
Millet is typically eaten in place of rice, buckwheat or quinoa and doesn’t form an acid in the body, so it’s easy to digest. Millet gives off a nutty flavor and is approximately 15% protein, with each cup cooked providing 207 calories, 1.7 grams of fat, 41.2 grams of carbohydrates (2.3 grams of fiber), and 6.1 grams of protein.
One thing that is important to note is that millet does tend to have a negative impact on the uptake of iodine to the thyroid, so those with thyroid issues may want to opt for a different grain.
Supersize with supergrains
So, before you grow bored with your traditional carbohydrate sources of rice, pasta or oatmeal, give one of these supergrains a try. The greater variety you can incorporate into your diet, the easier it will be to stick to that diet and the more well-rounded nutrition you will receive.
5 Great Vegetables You Haven’t Heard Of
If you’re tired of serving the same broccoli, cauliflower and spinach as sides to every meal you eat, maybe it’s time to try something new. Check out this list of five great vegetables you haven't heard of yet.
To make garlic-mashed yucca, boil 4 pounds of peeled, cored and diced yucca until soft (this takes about an hour). Drain and return to the pan, adding 2 minced garlic cloves, 2 cups of milk, 1 tablespoon of fresh lime juice, and 2 teaspoons of salt. Mash coarsely and serve.
To make arracacha soup, peel just over a pound of arracacha and boil in 6 cups of stock until soft. Blend until smooth and set aside. Saute 2 large onions and 2 large tomatoes. Season to taste and add to the puree. Add 2 chopped scallions for garnish.
Prepare fiddleheads simply: Boil or steam for 12 to 15 minutes, add a knob of butter or a glug or 2 of olive oil, a bit of salt, and some garlic -- and you’re off to the races. Just don’t eat them raw -- they’re loaded with nasty toxins.
Daikon is quite popular in Japanese cooking; if you eat Japanese noodle dishes or salads regularly, you’ve likely had this root before. The most common variety of daikon in North America looks like a large white carrot. The root is excellent boiled, stir-fried or served raw. Simply peel, slice (and soak in water if not using immediately to prevent oxidization) and prepare.
Daikon has a fresh, crisp taste -- not unlike an Asian pear -- but less sweet. It’s very low in calories and quite high in vitamin C. For the health conscious, daikon is excellent for digestion. The root is said to cleanse the blood, promote circulation and increase metabolic rate.
Try this simple daikon salad: Julienne 1 pound of peeled daikon and soak in cold water for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, slice a small cucumber with a vegetable peeler; add to a bowl with a quarter-pound wakame seaweed. Drain, add the daikon and then dress with a simple mix of 3 tablespoons rice wine vinegar, 1 tablespoon soy sauce and 4 tablespoons vegetable oil.
You’ve probably seen kohlrabi before in the produce section of the supermarket. It has a large, bulbous root end that’s about the size of a small orange and a series of long stems and leaves shooting out of one end. The bulb’s flesh is sweet and crunchy, tasting a bit like radish or cabbage. Health-wise, it’s a winner: It's high in vitamin C and potassium, with added vitamin B6, folic acid, magnesium, and copper.
Kohlrabi puree is amazing. Boil 4 peeled kohlrabi bulbs (reserving the leaves) in salted water for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, saute 1 onion and 3 cloves of garlic until soft. Add a quarter-pound of chopped mushrooms with the reserved kohlrabi leaves and cook down. Drain the kohlrabi bulbs and add them and the mushroom mix (with about a quarter-cup of milk) into a blender. Puree until smooth and then season to taste and serve on toast.
Odd one out
Keep your eyes open next time you’re in the produce section of the supermarket and don’t be shy about sidling up to the odd-looking roots and greens. There’s a whole world of vegetables out there waiting to be discovered -- and many of them are awesome.
What Not To Cut From Your Grocery Budget
Save: Bulk oatmeal
Oatmeal is one of the best foods to eat at the start of your day. It’s a slow-digesting carbohydrate, provides a high source of dietary fiber and contains a small amount of protein with hardly any sugar at all.
Skip: Boxed cereal
The breakfast that you can go without is regular cold cereal. Usually, these will not provide as much fiber as oatmeal and tend not to keep you feeling satisfied as long. If you want to prevent mid-morning hunger, a hot bowl of oatmeal is your best bet. Regular cereals can also get very calorie-dense, providing as much as 200 calories per half-cup serving. To top it all off, boxed cereal is more expensive than oatmeal.
In order to maintain health, protein is an absolute requirement. If you try to go without sufficient protein, you will lose muscle mass. One of the best sources to get this protein is lean chicken breasts, so be sure you do keep these on your budget plan.
Skip: Sandwich meat
To make room for chicken breasts, stop buying sandwich meat. Sandwich meat is high in sodium and won’t provide you with a high-quality source of protein. If you’re looking for a cheap, convenient source of protein to take for lunches, consider light, flaked tuna instead.
Fats are an essential part of any diet, whether it’s aimed at muscle-building or fat loss. Choosing healthy sources will not only curb your appetite but also promote proper health. Natural peanut butter is a versatile source of healthy fats that is easier on the wallet than purchasing whole nuts such as almonds. It’s one food product that you should always make room for on your grocery budget.
Skip: Fruit jams
If you’re a frequent user of fruit jams, that’s a product that you can leave off the menu. These jars are about the same price as natural peanut butter and only supply you with a heavy hit of sugar with virtually no nutrition.
Save: Broccoli
Most vegetables are full of nutrition, so doing your best to keep these in your grocery cart will go a long way toward overall nutrition. One nutrient superstar that must be kept is broccoli. Broccoli supplies you with over 100% of your vitamin C and K needs, and is a good source of vitamin A, folate and fiber.
Skip: Iceberg lettuce
To help make room in your budget for the broccoli, leave out the iceberg lettuce. This “filler” food doesn’t contain much nutrition and will do little more than add hydration to your body.
Save: Brown rice
For dinner meals, brown rice should be your choice of carbohydrates. It digests slowly and can be eaten with a wide variety of meals. You can even purchase 10-minute brown rice varieties, making this a perfect quick solution.
Skip: Pasta
The carbohydrate-laden food that you want to leave off your plate is white pasta. Pasta tends to be very easy to overeat and can increase your risk for unwanted fat gain. If you aren’t a fan of rice, then have potatoes instead.
Save: Cottage cheese
Dairy products are important for supplying calcium and protein, and will contribute a small portion of carbohydrates as well. One of the best dairy products to keep on your menu is cottage cheese, since the casein protein digests slowly in the body and helps build and repair muscle tissue.
Skip: Yogurt
The dairy product that you can go without if you’re looking to cut costs is yogurt. Yogurt is lower in protein content than cottage cheese, and unless you go for a sugar-free variety (which contains artificial sweeteners), it is going to also have a higher amount of simple carbohydrates.
Keep your grocery basket in check
Always remember that one of the best ways to save money when it comes to food is to prepare your own meals instead of eating out. If you focus on packing your diet with as many nutrient-dense foods as you can, and seek out cheaper varieties of those foods, then you shouldn’t have to sacrifice proper nutrition to stick to your budget.
The Brain: 5 Things Men Should Know
The brain is the focal point of our entire being. It is the mainframe, the hub and the central processing unit of all thoughts, emotions and actions. Even as such a vital component of human biology, the brain is still the least understood, housing mysteries that in this day and age still remain unsolved: How are memories stored and retrieved? Why do brains sleep and dream? What is consciousness? All these are questions without firm answers. But there are some interesting facts about the brain that have been uncovered and are not generally well known. Here are five things men should know about the brain.
Despite amassing to only 2% of our body weight, our brains demand 15% of our total heart output and 20% of our total oxygen to function. Talk about high maintenance! Perhaps more intriguing is that much of this oxygen is still needed when our brains are awake but resting, and this is for reasons that are not entirely known. So, our brains are demanding, but they demand without restraint or explanation. In order to achieve this insatiable demand, three major cerebral arteries are constantly pumping in oxygen. So vital is this demand that a blockage in any of these arteries is a one-way ticket to a stroke. Aside from energy, our brains also demand prime skull real estate. The expansion of the human brain over evolutionary time has left most of us with overcrowded mouths and, accordingly, little room for wisdom teeth. Oral surgeons may now rejoice.
2- Your brain was almost fully grown by age 7
Taking complex development out of the equation, it is true: Our brains are 95% of their adult size by the age of seven. This rapid growth probably explains why the brain of a 2-year-old consumes twice as much energy as the brain of an adult. Moving from diapers to briefcases -- once the human brain reaches its full adult size -- interesting contrasts become clear. Men, for example, have larger brains than women, a finding also observed in developing children. However, such differences should not, unfortunately, be interpreted as pointing toward any functional advantage (sorry, guys). In fact, this difference in size is due more to variances in specific regions of the brain than to an overall proportional difference. Women, for example, tend to have a larger hippocampus, the area of the brain responsible for smell and memory. Men, on the other hand, tend to have a larger amygdala and hypothalamus, but again, the effect of these differences is unclear.
3- Your brain doesn't feel pain
Do you ever wonder why some patients who undergo open brain surgery aren't sedated? The answer is laughably obvious: because the brain itself has no pain receptors, and hence, cannot sense any pain. A common headache is not actually caused by a stimulation of pain receptors in the brain. Instead, the membrane surrounding the brain, known as the dura mater, is innervated with pain receptors and is somehow involved in producing the pain felt during a headache. There are, however, many different kinds of headaches, and their exact causes remain unclear, so pinning an underlying cause to all headaches just isn't possible.
4- You use more than 10% of your brain
The common adage that we humans use only 10% of our brains is nothing more than a myth, perpetuated by movies and manipulated by paranormal pushers and psychics to explain the origins of psychic powers. The idea, of course, is completely false, but it certainly makes for an inspiring message. Imagine if we could unlock the other 90% of our brains! No one would turn down such an offer if it were truly attainable. Brain-imaging techniques, however, show quite convincingly that the vast majority of the brain does not lie dormant. Indeed, complex activities will use many parts of the brain. Observing the effects of head trauma also reveals that there is almost no area of the brain that can be destroyed without leaving the victim with some functional deficit. It's sad but true: We use most of our brains, if not all.
5- Brain cells regenerate
There is something to be said about mystery because with it comes a lot of myth. Another thing you thought you knew about the brain -- a belief that has literally persisted for 100 years -- is that brain cells don't regenerate. However, thanks to work conducted over the last decade or so, we now know that they most certainly do. Modern science now shows us that even neurons can be persuaded to regenerate. This should come as great news to alcoholics everywhere who should also know that drinking does not, in fact, kill brain cells but instead damages the connections between the neurons, the synapses. Who knows -- maybe one day, science will find a real cure for hangovers too.
Memory Sandwiches
Better Man in brief ...
Iron deficiencies can lead to a lack of concentration and a weakened memory state.
Recent studies have linked beetroots with increasing the flow of blood to the brain.
Nuts and seeds are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, Omega-6 and folate, as well as vitamins B6 and E."
If you’re interested in improving your memory (and let’s face it, who isn’t?), then these recipes are just what you need. Whether you're improving your ability to remember names, your girlfriend’s birthday or crucial facts you need for a job interview, keeping your brain in tiptop shape should be high on your agenda. Dietary choices play a major role in your brain's functioning: proper nutrition keeps it working to its fullest, protects its cells and helps it work efficiently and effectively.
Sandwiches are most men’s favorite food, so how can we combine the perfect portable snack with brain-boosting nutrition? Start by making your own mayo. Eggs (in particular, their yolks) are rich in a substance called choline, which is part of two molecules responsible for brain health and cognitive functions.
Basic mayo
You can add whatever you like to this -- wholegrain mustard and honey, cayenne pepper, chipotle, wasabi, horseradish, jerk seasoning, etc.
• 2 large eggs, preferably free range
• 1 tbs Dijon mustard
• 2 tbs white-wine vinegar
• 280ml peanut oil or other flavorless oil
• Salt and pepper
Separate the yolks of the eggs from the whites. Save the whites, which can be frozen to make meringue or added to omelets.
In a blender, blitz the egg yolks, mustard, white-wine vinegar and salt and pepper. With the blender still running, add just a single drop of oil. Let this blend. Begin drizzling the oil in slowly in a steady stream. Carry on. If the mixture becomes too thick add a little water, no more than a splash. Continue until all the oil has been incorporated. Taste and season again before storing in the refrigerator until you are ready to use it.
Bread & Spinach
The other thing to think about is your bread; kick the white, pre-sliced stuff to the curb and try to get some artisan bread -- preferably the kind packed with nuts and seeds. The regular breads you find in your grocery store are made with all kinds of additives. Nuts and seeds are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, Omega-6 and folate, as well as vitamins B6 and E -- all great for keeping you thinking clearly and quickly. (Also, handmade bread just tastes better.)
Also worth trying: swap your regular salad for spinach. The baby leaves are delicious, full of iron and rich in B6, B12 and folate, all of which help you with the recollection of information.
Recipe: Smoked mackerel with celery, spinach and wasabi-mayo sandwich.
Why: Smoked mackerel is a meaty, flavorful fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Celery is rich in luteolin, which blocks the release of a chemicals that causes brain aging.
• 2 slices bread (rye would be great here)
• 1 smoked-mackerel fillet (you could use another oily fish such as sardines or salmon here)
• 1 tbs mayo
• Wasabi (as much as you like)
• 1 rib of celery, finely sliced
• A handful of baby spinach
• A squeeze of lemon juice
Mix the wasabi and mayo together and spread the mix on both slices of bread. Flake the smoked mackerel, discarding the ski,n and lay it along one slice of bread. Place the celery on top, then the spinach, a good sprinkling of salt and freshly ground black pepper and, if you like, a squeeze of lemon juice. Put the other slice of bread on top, and it's ready to eat.
"Iron deficiencies can lead to a lack of concentration, a weakened memory state and lowered learning ability."
Turkey With Cranberry Slaw
Why: Cranberries are an essential addition to any turkey meal. They are packed with antioxidants, which slow down free-radical damage in the brain. Tests have shown that they also improve memory, balance and coordination.
• 1 cup shredded turkey
• ½ cup shredded red or white cabbage
• ¼ cup shredded carrot
• A few pecans, finely chopped
• 1 tbs finely chopped cilantro
• 2 tbs buttermilk
• 2 tbs mayo
• 2 tbs dried cranberries
Mix together all the ingredients except the turkey. Put the turkey on the bread, then spoon the slaw onto your bread and top with spinach and arugula.
Roast Beef With Quick Pickled Onions
Why: Cold roast beef is a favorite left-over to find in the fridge. It's high in iron, and iron deficiencies can lead to a lack of concentration, a weakened memory state and lowered learning ability. You could also make this sandwich with a barbecued or broiled steak.
• 2 slices of bread
• 1 tbs mayo
• 1 tbs horseradish
• ¼ red onion, sliced as thinly as possible
• 2 tbs white-wine vinegar
• 1 tbs sugar
• Handful of spinach
• 3 slices cold roast beef
Warm the sugar and vinegar together in a pan until dissolved. Pour over the finely sliced red onion and allow to cool, leaving for an hour or so if possible. Mix the horseradish with the mayo and some salt and pepper. Spread this on your bread before placing the beef on top. Drain the onions and scatter these over the beef. Place the spinach on top and cover with the other slice of bread.
Roasted Peppers With Mozzarella And Pesto
Why: Roasting peppers gives them a smoky flavor along with an improved texture. Like celery, peppers are high in luteolin, which blocks the release of certain chemicals responsible for brain aging.
• 1 red pepper
• 1 green pepper
• ½ ball mozzarella
• A large handful of fresh basil
• 2 tbs pine nuts, lightly toasted in a dry pan
• 2 tbs grated Parmesan
• 2 tbs good quality extra virgin olive oil
• 2 slices ciabatta or focaccia
Grill the peppers over a flame on a gas cooktop or under the grill -- either way, they're done when they're blackened all over. Place in a bowl and cover with plastic wrap before allowing them to cool. Once cool, scrape the skin off and discard it along with the seeds; keep the flesh to one side.
Make the pesto by blitzing the basil, pine nuts, Parmesan, and olive oil in a blender until you have a coarse paste. You may need more or less olive oil -- add a bit at a time until the paste loosens. Add salt and pepper and spread onto the slices of bread. (If you don't have the time or ingredients to make your own pesto, store-bought will also do in a pinch.)
Slice or tear up the mozzarella and place it on the bottom half of your sandwich. Tear up the peppers and spread them on top. Drizzle with a little balsamic and top with a good grind of black pepper and the second slice of bread.
Roasted Beets With Cream Cheese, Celery And Pumpkin Seeds
Why: Beetroot is back in fashion -- it has an earthy taste that goes well with cheeses. Recent studies have linked beetroots with increased blood flow to the brain
• 2 slices bread
• 1 medium beetroot or 5 baby beets
• 2 tbs cream cheese
• 1 tsp finely grated orange zest
• 1 tbs finely chopped tarragon, basil or parsley
• 1 tbs pumpkin seeds
• 1 rib celery, finely sliced
Wrap the beet or baby beets in tin foil and roast at 180 degrees for an hour and a half (for a large one) or 40 minutes or so (for babies). Remove from the oven and allow them to cool for a few minutes; as soon as they are cool enough to handle, peel the skins and allow to cool completely. It is essential to peel them while still hot, since the skin slips off easily in that state.
Toast the pumpkin seeds in a dry frying pan until you hear them crack. Allow to cool. Mix the cream cheese with the chopped herbs, orange zest and salt and pepper, and spread evenly on both pieces of bread. Finely slice the beetroot into rounds and place these on one half. Scatter over the pumpkin seeds and celery before topping off the sandwich with a little spinach and the other half of the bread.
Ask Jackie (29 pics)

Rare photographs of North Korea
The autor is Artemii Lebedev, one of the leading web-designers in Russia. He recently went on a trip to DPRK.
On your arrival at the airport you need to leave your cellphone, no roaming service is avaliable but if you select an operator manually you get PRK 03 although he never saw a single person with a cell-phone. Laptops are allowed it seems that north koreans are not aware of cards that can make your laptop to work like a cellphone.
The only house where a foreigner will be ever allowed on his visit. It's a model-house of a model-farmworker of a model-collective farm. There is even something that looks like a computer made of components that are not even plugged together. Internet does not exist, only intranet is avalaible.
On your arrival you will be assigned to a guide and a driver. That will constantly follow you. You can't leave the hotel on your own. The daily program consists of 2-3 visits to a landmark. In the hotel you can watch BBC,NTV (russian chan),and a couple of chinese channels, so you can't really complain about freedom of speech. The food is good, and you can't complain about that either. In a park he saw elder women picking up herbs, the guide said that it was for the rabbits, although it was clear that it was the kind of herb that the "owners of the rabbits" could eat.
Kiosk that sells foreign product to tourists, as in snickers chinese sprite and lays from 2001. You have to chose your product pay at a sepate booth get a checkstub and give it to the merchant to get your purchase.
Kiosk for locals, most of the time they sell lemonade, forigers are given a plastic cup, locals get porcelain mugs, that are washed in a bucket of water after use.
Sometimes you see people selling some kind of a vegetable, that was taken next to a fruits and veggies store, they immediatly closed the door as they saw a tourist.
North Koreans are always amazed when they see a white man.
The plaster statues are clean and not broken apart. North Korea is a perfect reproduction of the year 1950.
They still havent figured out how to make flat glass withtout bubbles, the only exception are the windows in the hotel or large vitrines.
Oil is almost inexistant, so most of the labor is manual.

Water seems not to be avaliable everywhere when you leave the capital. A woman is washing her clothes in the river.
Life in a village
When building in a city they tend to block the old houses with tall bulidings , if that is not possible they put a concrete fence so you would only see the roof.
As soon as you try to take a picture different from the magazine "Korea" the guide will say: "why are you taking a picture" "it's forbidden here"

The big monument, (they cut off the electricity at 11)
The city at night is scary, there is no light on the streets and people use white lights and no curtains.
during the day the elevator didn't work for 15 mins
View from the monument, besides the pretty view you can also see the dead birds.
Reality of the NK, a forigner will not see this generally.
The whole Pyongyang is like this, when he asked the guide about the old houses the guide said that old people didn't want to move out in the new ones and like it that way
The mausoleum
You have to button up your shirt and look serious, and leave eveything except your sunglasses at the entrance, you will have to go trough an x-ray scanner (which no one tells you about), and for some reason there is a wi-fi router. The statue is white, and the light on top is blue and on the bottom is red. And its called a "visit" because the Great Leader is still "alive"
About 10% of the population serves in the military, its impossible not to cross soldiers.
They do everything, taking care of the cattle, picking up wood, and ride 40 persons in a truck
As a form of entertainement both Koreas will take you to a visit to the border. One mystery remains, how come under capitalism the roads are good and under communism crappy
Sand is where NK is.
The road is prepared for an invasion, the big cubes can be pushed on the road to trap the enemy tanks.
Just in case they put those things up on every road in the radius of 50km from the border, they are often decorated.
They also have those in the mountains.
A NK beach, electrified barbed-wire so the NK citiziens wouln't swim away, of couse you're not allowed to take that picture.
NK love to show off military trophees, like the american spy ship Pueblo.
Pieces of US aicraft in a museum, that are gathered up with a lot of love.
NK defends itself not only from imperialist agressors, every neiborhood is defended. Once by a coincidence, he took a picture of that buliding with AC on every window. Of couse he was told that he's not allowd to take the picture. Apperently this is not an ordinary house, maybe scientists live there.
On may 1st, the tourists got to see a concert and taekwondo students so everyone would know that the new replacement is growing up.
Next , visual culture.
The only ads in NK, an advertisment for a car (made in cooperation with the South) that you will only see in the capital, there are 3 different banners/models.
A composition showing the heroism of the workers, its a rather unique piece since the military is on the 2nd plan.
Banners with Kim Il Song , who calls up people for heroic acts. For some reason commarade Kim is young.
You can often see pictures of Kim Jon Suk (wife of Kim Il Song) Like his composition is called "Comarade Kim Jon Suk is saving Kim Il Song), but Kim Il Song is shown even more often
Bronze is often used in the monument, here you can see the worker, the farmworker and the intellectual.
One of the 2 compositions next to Kim Il Song monument.
In every place you will have a Pole with a citation of the great leader.
Fancy garbage cans in parks.
NK like to customize their number ,as you can see with the 40
Every citizen has a pin of Kim Il Song, except for little children, waiters (the pin is probably hidden by work clothes), and Kim Il Song himself
You cannot buy this pin.
This means, shoe repairs upstairs.
That means that a food joint is near, by the way even in China they draw a fork.
You can see this on the doors, the X means entrance forbidden, and the thingy taht looks like a target means enter here.
In a model pioneer palace, a concert is shown, at the end a picture of Kim Jong Il is shown, the forigners are in extasy.
Next up we have roads and transporation.
Ok, so we carry on.
Entrances to the subways look somewhat shabby.
Inside you have the tourniquets that arrive you to the knee, contrary to chinese Koreans are of short stature. The sign reads: Kim Jong IL - the Sun of 21st century!
The escalator is very long, and the lighting is original.
Trains are made of 4 wagons, the doors are opened by hand and closed automatically.
It seems that the goal of the NK architects was to make stations more impressive that Moscow's metro.
The particularity of the cities is the lack of cars. Everyone is walking, sometimes they take packed public transportatins made of tramways, trolleys and even 2 storie buses. The bicycles are rare and expensive.
The pedestrian zebra is original.
In Pyongyang there is a lot of underground passages for crossing the street, everyone respects the rules, if you cross the street where you're not supposed to you get a fine, even if the road usually looks like this.
Traffic signs warn you of other traffic signs.
The drivers never stop in front of pedestrians, they constantly honk. The guide coulnt not explain the lack of reflex of the pedetrians when they hear a car. In the countryside people walk wherever they want, like there is no cars at all.
The drivers on the other hand never chek their mirrors or look back. For some reason the gas stations are covered up and passangers must exit the car before the driver goes to the gas station.
Drive safe!
Line at the bus stop, people who take the bus are those who have to walk more than 30 mins toget home
You can't move freely in NK, you need authorisations, and you have check-points everywhere. When the car crossed teh check point, the driver flashed the lights, perhaps its a meaning that a forigner is on board.
Traffic lights exist but they dont work.
How cars in NK look like.
The sign is not lying
A common sight, broken down gas-fueled truck, they drive slow and make a lot of smoke. You're not supposed to take that picture.
Sometimes you see japanese or german cars. Koreans love Mercedes Benz, which they only know as Benz. Benz - is the favorite car of NK leaders. In Kim Il song mausoleum , his SEL 500 is parked forever on some porcelain supports. Maybe the love for benz will explain the following pictures

And put a room full of old consoles in the model pioneer palace (in which the escalator was turned on when the forigners arrived)
Village where Kim Il Song, spend a night during his youth.
And thats another village, but those houses don't exist in NK, the driver took a wrong turn.
Sometimes you get to see a martian landscape
Beaches of NK
Sign of service
Culture house of a model collective farm
Another culture house
The hotel, construction was abandoned in 1991, its not recomended to take pictures of it when you're close.
That's ok we'll admire it from far.
Koreans have the habit to walk with their hands behind their back, men rarely wear light and flashy colors. Thats an excusion to the cemetary of the revolutionaries
Apartment buildings are modest too.
A rare view of Pyongyang.
5.1 means May 1st, they don't do big celebrations.
All the forigners got to visit the main park, locals were denied admission
Those who were smarter didn't go to the park and instead relaxed by the river.