Since the dawn of humanity we have been in contact with extraterrestrials. Either by one on one close contact or watched from a distance in UFO's and other space craft. There is a plethora of evidence of Aliens being involved in our history from paintings, scrolls, sculptures, art, and stories that date back to the begining of our earliest recordings as people on this planet. Some of the most famous works of art from the greatest artists often depict different aliens UFO's and other paranormal sites that can only be explained by the visiting of our alien neighbors.
UFO in the Painting- The Madonna with Saint Giovannino
This is the painting titled "The Madonna with Saint Giovannino" a painting from around the 15th century most likely painted by Domenico Ghirlandaio. The painting depicts Mary mother of Jesus looking down while in the background you can see a clear picture of what appears to be a UFO flying above while a man on a ledge blocks the sun with his hand and stares at the strange flying object in the sky.
UFO in the Painting- The Baptism of Christ
This is the painting titled "The Baptism of Christ" painted in 1710 by Aert De Gelder. There are many strange UFO's and Alien beings in ancient art but none as clear as this one. You see in the sky an undoubtedly space craft shining down on Christ. It could be interpreted as God or a Godly being such as an Angel but its uncanny resemblance to a common UFO space craft or flying saucer creates much doubt that it was ment to be a Godly being.
UFO on a French Jeton
A type of coin a Jeton was used to fiqure our complicated monetary systems and may have been used in substitution of legal tender in games. This particular French Jeton from 1680 shows what appears to be a UFO flying in the air and even more intriguing the Latin inscription translates to "It is here at an opportune time".
UFO in the Painting- The Crucifixion
Titled simply "The Crucifixion" by an unknown artist in 1350, This painting depicts two UFOs with Aliens inside flying by Christs Crucifixion in the top right and left corners of the painting.
Strange Alien Beings in Painting
Japanese Painting with UFO-1803
This is a very interesting UFO painting from Haratonohama, Hitachi, Japan in 1803. There was a book written about it Ume No Chiri that said "foreign ship and crew" was spotted on the shore of Haratonohama, Hitachi, Japan and that the ship was made of metal and glass with strange writings on it. This is the artists rendition of the flying saucer resembling space ship.
UFO Sighting During War- 776
These Great paintings are from a manuscript from the 12th century called Annales Laurissenses. It tells the tail of the siege on Sigiburg castle in France, where the Saxons had surrounded the French and were about to take over the castle when Flaming Shields hovered over the church. The Saxons thought that the French were protected by these beings and fled. This event happend in the year 776 and has been well documented.
Large Elongated Head Sculpture- Alien Tribute?
While many say this ancient sculpture is nothing more than a womens hair, it could very well be another look into aliens and how active they were in our civilizations at the time.
Moses Reciving Ten Commandments With UFO's In The Sky
It's been long been talked about how Aliens visited this planet long ago and helped advance civilization and steered humanity into the people we are today. If indeed Moses received the ten commandments from ancient Aliens then many points of the bible and devine past could easily be explained. This painting is from a wood drawer wich is kept at Earls D’Oltremond in Belgium.
Ancient Ecuadorian Alien Astronaut Sculpture
An interesting piece of art found in Ecuador of what appears to be a man or being in a type of space suit. Look at the similarities to todays space suits our Astronauts wear.
UFO's in Crucifixion Painting- 17th century
A Fresco (which is a painting done on a ceiling or wall) in the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral in Mtskheta clearly shows in the background of this painting of the crusifixtion two flying saucer like objects and if you zoom in you can see faces in the images. Very strange....
Dutch Ships Spot UFO- Painting 1660
From the works of Admiral Blaeu in the literature "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" This painting shows an encounter that happend when two Dutch ships sighted two disk shaped objects in the sky while traveling over the sea.
Ancient Inca UFO Sculptures
Sculptures from the ancient Incas, who were much more advanced than other similar civilizations of there time and location, of two flying saucers. No doubt the Incas were in close contact with Aliens if you look at there mathematics and especially there astronomical charts and calendars which followed much more than just the moon and/or sun.
Art Work of Two Aliens
Unknown Artist or location- This is a wonderful image of two aliens in ancient times proving there existence among the human race at the time.
Aliens and There Hybrid Babies
In this Sculpture you can see what just may be the aliens attempt at making alien human hybrids. In the arms of these large headed beings are small babies that resemble a mix between the human race and an alien race.
UFO Beams Light Down From Sky- "The Annunciation" 1486
In this stunning Painting called "The Annunciation" from 1486 by the hands of Carlo Crivelli you see an amazing image of a UFO beaming down light towards a building and through a window. A stream from God or an message from some where beyond the heavens.
Obscure Floating Orb-1388
A french picture from the Literature "Le Livre Des Bonnes Moeurs" by Jacques Legrand. A book of French works From 1388. Some speculate that it was a balloon but during that time span there were no such devices yet.

UFO Sighting- 08/17/1783 At 9:45 in the evening on the terrace of Windsor Castle four people witnessed a strange object in the sky. It seemed to be running horizontal with the horizon and be of disk form. Under it appeared a strange orb that shot off to the east and then to the south west illuminating a magnificent light which lit up the whole ground underneath. This is a sketch of what was seen that night by Thomas and paul Sandby two of the people at the sighting.
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