D'oh! This figurine of Homer Simpson was inside a chocolate egg eaten by ten-year-old Dixie, a Dalmatian collie living in Aberdeen. Mmmmmmm, edible Homer.

One lovelorn man who tried to steal a £1,750 engagement ring by swallowing it was caught after police ran a metal detector over his stomach, x-rayed him, and eventually proved their case by mounting a three-day vigil outside his cell while nature took its course and the ring 'emerged'.

Hungover Chris Foster, 18, had no memory of swallowing this 5cm key in a drunken bid to avoid being taken home – until his friends and the NHS helped him piece together the events of the night before.

These amazing X-rays show how a man arrived with a tap and 16 inches of pipework stuck in his eye at a hospital's casualty unit, after slipping in the bath. But the terrified patient was forced to pull the tap out himself - because surgeons took three hours to send for a plumber to get it out...

It's a medical mystery that surgeons never got to the bottom of - how a woman patient ended up with a can of hairspray up her backside. Still, the x-rays were very amusing.
AND AS A BONUS... If that's not enough x-ray action for you, check out this gallery of x-rays of the strangest things animals have swallowed -
In this picture, the rubber duck swallowed by a dog is helpfully circled, in case you couldn't spot it.

And just for a bit of variety, here's a cat that swallowed a bell. Ding-a-ling.
So the next time you put something unusual near your mouth - or any other orifice, for that matter - just be careful... or you could end up on a list like this.
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